Monday, May 02, 2011

Happy 9th Gotcha Day

As you said this morning, my wise young man "it feels like I've been here forever" and we too feel the same. And yet, it is staggering to realize that 9 years ago we met you for the first time.  This journey we are all on together is certainly not easy but it is often joyous. We love the young man you are becoming - we rejoice in who you are and the old soul you have been graced with that seems to help lift and guide you through even the darkest of times. You are amazing. You are our son and we wouldn't have it any other way. I thank God everyday for allowing me to be your mother and for all of the lessons you have taught me.

I am a better person because you are my son.

I love you more than words.

Happy Gotcha Day

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